
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Water proofed USB flash drive

It's a familiar situation when you can try to find the lovely (or huge) USB memory stick and not pay attention to background noise from washer. You're desperate שnd suddenly remember - he is in pocket of the pants! Oh, no! Designers for company Digilions said:"No more!" and released water proofed USB flash drive. But to create water proofed gadget only it's insufficient and was created new mile stone of USB flash drive evolution the cute series Mini Eyes.

Toby - Monkey USB flash drive 
Water proofed USB flash drive
Monkey USB drive

Bobo - Bear USB flash drive
Bear USB drive
Bear USB drive

Odo - Beaver USB flash drive
Beaver USB drive
Beaver USB drive

Patty - Cow USB flash drive 
Cow USB drive
Cow USB drive

Marcy - Sheep USB flash drive
Sheep USB drive
Sheep USB drive

Bruce - Idol USB flash drive
Idol USB drive
Idol USB drive

Capacity storage: 4GB, 8GB

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